Platinum is a Holiday on Ice show which premiered in the end of 2013. The show toured in both Germany and France. Platinum had their last show in March 2015 in Berlin and is finished touring.
As a tribute to the 70-year tradition as well as to match with name of the new show, the motto "Platinum" will be present from the opening number untill the final. The show will represent the timeless and cosmopolitan character Holiday on Ice has held since the 40s to today since it's foundation in America. Platinum will take a journey through 70 years of figure skating presented by a master of ceremonies and we will hear the sounds of Brazil, electro, classic waltz, swing, gospel and samba.[1]
Ice Skaters[]
- Evgenii Belianin (RUS) & Daria Perminova (RUS)
- Andrei Griazev (RUS)
- McKenzie Crawford (CAN)
- Rohene Ward (USA)
- Stanislav Vederskyi (UKR) & Viktoriia Maksuta (UKR)
Creative Team[]
- Mark Naylor (Director)
- Edwina Cox (Co-director)
- David Shields (Set-, props- and costume designer)
- Melanie Lambert (Choreography-assistent)
- Stephen Emmer (Musical director)
- Jeroen ten Brinke (Sounddesigner)
- Luc Peumans (Lightdesigner)
- Platinum was part of the 70th anniversary of Holiday on Ice.
- The costumes were made by stardesigner Harald Glööckler.
- Focus Advanced Event Technology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) supplied the rigging, L-Acoustics audio system, lights, video and an project leader.