Holiday on Ice Wiki
The Holiday on Ice wiki is all about the spectacular iceshow Holiday on Ice.
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• On average, the ice is applied at a rate of one millimetre per hour. The ice is also coloured with chalk for visual and lighting reasons, so that the whole process of setting up the ice takes around 48 hours.


• On average, Holiday on Ice needs around 40,000 litres of water to set up the ice rink.


• As Holiday on Ice shows are put on in modern event halls, the ice rink is only set up and dismantled for the respective tour dates. Depending on the existing structures on-site, the hall floor is covered with a plastic sheet and a layer of polystyrene around three centimetres thick. On this, they lay aluminium plates that are cooled so intensely using sophisticated technology that water freezes on them. After the last show, the lighting, video and sound equipment are taken apart and then the ice rink is dismantled. The ice is loaded into disposal containers and disposed of appropriately at each venue.